Recommended Hotels 

  Please reserve your room as soon as possible, since there is a LIMITED number of rooms.
  In order to take advantage of the Special Rate, use “ICLPR-ST 2022” as a Booking Code in the hotel online booking form or use the form as it is recommended.


    Parliament Hotel

106, Izvor Street, 5th Sector, 050564, Bucharest, ROMANIA                                                                  Booking Reservation Form


Continental Forum Hotel

Izvor Street, 82-84, cod 030167, Bucharest, ROMANIA

There are two ways to benefit from the discount offered to conference participants:

  1.   by accessing the link  (exclusively for conference participants).  The link is valid until May 16, 2022;
  2.   by directly accessing the hotel’s website,, using the code “ICLPR-2022” in the %CAMP DISCOUNT section.